Lion's Mane

Lion's Mane

0.5lb Tray

"Lion's Mane is one of the few mushrooms imparting the flavor of lobster when cooked, which is the reason people make "crab cakes" with them.   Some people say it has a flavour similar to eggplant.  They can be cut in slices and fried in oil until the moisture has been reduced.  Garlic, onions, and almonds go well with this mushroom.  The addition of butter near the end of the cooking cycle brings out the lobster flavour.  A combination of Shiitake and Lion's Mane, sauteed in this way, with a touch of soy or tamari, and added to white rice is one of my favourites!" (From

"The medicinal properties are reported to help with ulcers, inflammations, tumors, and cancer.  They can help with the treatment of gastric and esophageal carcinoma.  They also stimulate neurons to regrow, which can help with senility, Alzheimer's, repairing neurological trauma from strokes, improving muscle/motor response pathways, and cognitive function." (From


100 grams of Lion's Mane mushroom contains: 35 calories 7g carbohydrates 2.4g protein 0g fat 304 mg Potassium 2mg Calcium, 0.41mg Iron